Objective Elements:
- To develop the students skill in planning a flight
- Observe wind and weather conditions from the weather
channel, radio and visually by use of pibal
- Call flight service station for weather briefing
- Select launch site
- Weather information form
- Sectional chart and road map
- Plotter
- Compass
- Pibal
Instructor's Action
- Discuss lesson objective
- Obtain weather information
- Observe surface winds with pibal
- Determine launch site
- Locate launch site on chart
- Draw dead reckoning line in direction of flight and mark
off distance or time on the line
- Suggest landmarks to verify position in flight
- Airspace considerations
- Critique plan
Students Actions
Completion Standards
- Student should demonstrate ability to obtain complete
weather briefing from the FAA Flight Service Station and
correlate this information with observed weather
- Locate launch site on chart
- Draw proposed course with time tricks on dead reckoning
- Understands need for flexibility to adjust flight plan
- Selects landmarks in flight to verify position