Use of Maneuvering Vent




·       To develop the student's skill in the operation of the vent




·       Use of the vent for altitude control and landing

·       Safety factors using the vent




·       Balloon Flight Manual

·       In-flight maneuver


Instructor’s Actions


·       Discuss limitations and proper operation of vent in Balloon Flight Manual

·       Demonstrate use of vent emphasizing maximum permissible opening

·       Only allow the student to hold the vent line in hand when on final low level approach or under direct supervision of instructor. (Do not assume that a student will completely release the vent line in-flight or on the ground after normal operation.)

·       Discuss envelope throat closure as a result of over-venting or wind shear and the remedy to open the throat


Student’s Actions


·       Pre-flight review of balloon Flight Manual

·       Perform venting maneuvers as requested


Completion Standards