- To evaluate the student's performance and knowledge to
insure that he has developed the skills necessary for
safe solo flight
- Completion of the pre-solo written test
- Endorsements necessary for solo flight
- Review of questions missed on the FAA written test, if
this taken before your solo
- Dual flight to check all training has been completed to
completion standards
- Airworthy balloon
- Student Pilot Logbook and Pilot
Instructor's Actions
- Check that a pre-solo written test has been given to
student and review
- Check student's pilot logbook for all endorsements necessary for
solo flight if outcome of unit is satisfactory
- Pre-solo aeronautical knowledge
- Pre-solo flight training
- Solo flight endorsement in logbook
- Solo flight endorsement on student-pilot certificate
- Aeronautical knowledge-FAA written test (Passing the FAA
written test is not required but highly recommended as a
prerequisite for solo flight)
- Pre-flight discussion on objective of lesson
- Critique maneuvers and pilot judgment
Student Actions
- Perform each maneuver as directed
- Practice selected maneuvers previously introduced
- Weather briefing
- Site selection
- Flight planning - plot flight path
- Observe surface winds - pibal
- Preflight rigging and inspection - checklist
- Basket tied off
- Hot inflation - checklist
- Pre-launch - checklist
- Weigh off Ascents (shallow and steep)
- Level flight
- Descents (shallow and steep)
- Direction changes
- Fuel management
- Emergency procedures including sudden impending
power lines
- Monitor surface wind
- Normal approaches
- Short field approaches
- Landowner relations
- Deflation
- Post-flight discussion
Completion Standards
The student will demonstrate proficiency on all
flight maneuvers so that the result is never in serious doubt.
Good judgment and adherence to notations of his/her skill level
and aircraft performance are of primary importance to the
instructor in determining approval for solo flight.