Normal Landing



To develop the student’s skill in planning and making a normal landing



A landing is similar to flying level except you are descending at some controlled rate. 

There are a number of landing types (approaches) but the three that come to mind are; stair step approach, steep approach, and approach over obstacles. 

Of a primary concern to landing is safety of pilot and passengers. The passengers should be briefed to face the direction of travel, bend knees, and hang unto something other that the flight controls of the balloon and obstacles should be noted and avoided.




A) Stair Step Approach


Site identification – wires, trees, animals, crops, and miscellanies items.

Approach – descending some predetermined altitude and then leveling out, repeat this and then continue decent until the flight culminates at ground level.

The approach is normally used in open spaces where there is adequate space.


Burner & Vent Controlling


B) Steep Approach


Site identification – wires, trees, animals, crops, and miscellanies items.

Approach – descend towards ground in a high angle allowing the balloon to fall until close to the ground and then burn with long burn to stop but the momentum and speed.

Vent immediately – as to avoid the balloon rebounding because of too much heat.

The approach is used in tight landing places or if landing in an immediately goal.


Burner & Vent Controlling



C) Approach over obstacles


Site identification – wires, trees, animals, crops, and miscellanies items.

Approach – fly level over obstacle and immediately before clearing start decent process.  Once in clearing use short burns to control rate of descent.

Vent immediately before touching ground to assure balloon will not rebound.

The approach is used in tight landing places.


Burner & Vent Controlling


