Telephone Information Briefing Service
TIBS stands for Telephone Information Briefing Service, and provides a
continuous telephone recording of meteorological information.
In other words a recorded weather briefing for a 50 nautical mile radius
of the primary station.
What TIBS Contains
o Surface observations
o Terminal forecasts
o Winds and temperatures aloft
o Pilot reports
o Radar observations
TIBS are a summary of current weather, forecast conditions, and winds
aloft through 12,000 ft. They are available from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
and are updated whenever new forecast material is available, or as
conditions increase or decrease from IFR, MVFR, or VFR.
TIBS is not really a substitute for a standard weather briefing, but
it can give you a pretty good idea of what's happening out there.
It can be especially helpful for a student or new pilot to listen to
a TIBS before a briefing. You can access a pilot weather briefer at any time
by pressing zero during the recording.
How to Access TIBS
Dial 1-800-WXBRIEF (992-7433), then press 2 anytime during the introduction
to access the TIBS menu. Menu selection 12 is for local and balloon weather
in the Albuquerque area.