I am So Lucky

I have been so lucky to have been able to share so many years with Pat.  

Pat was a true companion and close friend.  She gave me so many things, fine children,
a fine place to come home to and so many adventures that I would have never realized had
it not been for Pat.

She loved to travel and all I had to do say let's go on a vacation.  She would gather her
travel information, make her lists and plan to the finest detail.  I would just come along
for the ride.

I will truly miss her ability to listen to my troubles and always find a way to see the bright
side and resolve the issue.

I will miss her in those evenings when we would sit and chat for hours.

She supported me on my wildest dreams and put up with my not so nice nature.

I would not have been where I am today of it had not been for her attention to detail
in reviewing my job applications, presentations and technical papers.

I always thought that the business adventures that we entered into where pretty successful
and quite easy.  Just happens that she was the brains behind the process

I will truly miss my best fiend, my companion and my true love.
                                                 Tom Fisher