Visiting with Good Friends - Jerry and Carmie May 2024

Jerry was my closest buddy back in college, where he taught Computer Science. One day, while strolling
 through the hallway, I heard a typewriter clacking away and found Jerry explaining the workings of an
  IBM 1620 computer. Intrigued by computers, I signed up for an introductory course in my junior year,
   and guess who the teacher was? Yep, Jerry! Since I was majoring in Mathematics with minors in Physics,
    I figured it would be beneficial, and it turned out to be a blast. The course kicked off with
     machine language, then moved to SPS, and finally Fortran over two semesters. Spending so much 
     time in the computer lab, Jerry and I became great friends. After long days of classes, we’d hit
      the dance floor at LaRock and on weekends go hiking and fishing. At the end of my junior year, Jerry asked
       me to teach the computer labs the following semester. I hesitated, saying I couldn’t because
        I stuttered, but he challenged me, saying my stutter didn’t define my teaching ability. That
         conversation sparked my 55-year journey in teaching.